Saturday, February 28, 2009

AVT Tournament Day 1

Today is the first day of the tournament...
Not bad,had quite a number of strong duelists...
I wonder why some duelists dont get their rulings right before dueling?
(if they know them well,judges need not be so tiring...
My deck had a weird winning streak...
Always 1 win,then 1 lose,then 1 win and keeps repeating...
Now busy re-arranging album...
taking out the useless cards and putting in cards that are strong and can be used to boost deck strongly...
Deck that is re-used now is: Dark Simorgh Lock...

Starring: Dark Simorgh & Anti-Spell Fragrance
Support Cards:BF series...
back to my album...
For latest Tournament Updates...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tournament at Audio Ventura Tradings is coming.It is held on 28/2-29/3,every saturday of the week...Every player would need to pay $2 so that he could get 2 chips where he will then wait for His turn to be called...

Date : 28 Feb 2009-29 March 2009(Every sat and sun from 12pm-5pm)
Time : See Schedule
Venue: Audio venture trading
Registration Fees: $2.00
Registration Date: 28 Feb 2009 - 29 March 2009 (before 4pm)

1st Place – Yu-Gi-Oh OCG Booster Box + 1 Limited Edition 14
2nd Place – Limited Edition 13 & $15 voucher
3rd Place – Gold series Brionac (Common)

Tournament Format: Duelist Arena
Main Deck: 40-60
Extra Deck: Up to 15 cards
Side Deck: Up to 15 cards

Additional Information---------------------------
1 Duelist must write their Deck list and submit to person-in-charge to screen before entering the tournament.
2 The Tournament is using Sept 1st, 2008 Banned List (Advanced Format).
3 Both TCG/OCG cards can be used in this tournament.
4 No Korean cards are allowed in this tournament.
5 Only genuine Yu-Gi-Oh Cards are allowed in this tournament.
6 Judges' decisions are final.
7 Organizer and Head Judge have all rights to disqualify any players whose behavior is misconduct and for rule violations.
8 NO FAKE Cards are allowed.
9 Any Duelist found cheating or changing cards during the tournament will be disqualified instantly.
10 Audio Ventra Trading is not liable for any item loss.
11 Duel Terminal Cards are allowed in this tournament.
12 No Selling/Buying of cards between players are allowed during the tournament.

The Rules and Regulations:
1. Duelist are playing 3 rounds per match.
2. Each Duelist are given 2 playing chips upon registration.
3. Once the Duelist lost all playing chips, he/she will lose the tournament.
4. Duelist are allowed to register again before the next tournament slot starts.
5. Duelist are allowed to wager any amount of chips only if both duelist agrees.
6. Changes to the decklist are allowed in tournament, however a 50 cents extra charge is needed.
7. Duelist must register 15 mins before the next tournament time slot starts.
8. No Non-Dueling players are allowed to be near the Dueling Area.
9. After each Duel, duelist must report the results to the judges.
10. After the end of each time slot, duelist may choose to return the playing chips for safe keeping, the amount the duelist hold will be recorded.11.
Winner will be decided by the highest amount of playing chips he/she holds by the end of the last time slot on 29/3/09.
12. Duelist may registered at any day between the scheduled days.

28/2/09 - 29/3/09(Sat and Sun only)
1st time slot : 12pm-1pm
2nd time slot : 1pm-2pm
3rd time slot : 2pm-3pm
4th time slot : 3pm-4pm
5th time slot : 4pm-5pm

To All Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists:
This is a good chance for u to display ur skills as a duelist...
Do not miss this chance...
There is no guarantee when will there be a tournament like at AVT...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to all,14/2 every year will be valentines day as well as my bro's Birthday...hence,the Azures gave him a small 'party'...We went to Hawker Centre for dinner & we ordered Satay,drinks and our individual food...Everybody will be celebrating Valentines & i m will wif my teamates,celebrate my bros Birthday...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sec 3 NYAA camp

back from NYAA Camp @ Changi Coast Adventure Camp...I had thought that it would be a boring camp but i actually enjoyed it as the time seems as if it flew...So fast the 3 days 2 nites past...

Introduction of Instructors:Instructor Ting ting and Khai

We done Land expedition,Sea expedition (Kayaking) and Cycling expedition...
for the land expedtion, we had to walk and find places through a clue card given and we had to go for river crossing after that...It is something like The Amazing Race...

Sea expedition(Kayaking)...i had to row very hard as my buddy is not very good in kayaking...I managed to get to the 'finishing line' but i had difficulties rowing back as i had my energy drained...

Finally, for the cycling expedition,we had to cycle from CCAC to Changi Village...I enjoyed the whole process as i could cycle with my classmates and we all had fun...

On the last night , we had a BBQ dinner,we had a choice of rice,noodles,or both to go with the BBQ...We were given 2 chicken wings,2 hotdogs and 3 satays...I only ate 1 hotdog,2 satay and did not eat any chicken wings as i was too full...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

goin to NYAA camp tmr...Hav been to the camp site several times but still need to go...3 day 2 nite...3 days of torture in the day and 2 nites of aeroplane noise...thats the meaning of 3 days 2 nite...Have to pray that time passes fast during the time in camp...
Enjoy songs by Uura Saeka...Sha la la Ayakashi Night...Opening for Anime 'Kekkaishi'...


Red Demon Dragon(Red Dragon Archfiend)

a cool dragon that is used commonly now that synchro is a trend in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Level 8

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monstersIf this card attacks a Defense Position monster your opponent controls, destroy all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls after damage calculation. During your End Phase, destroy all other monsters you control that did not declare an attack this turn

It has good effect,hence it is used widely by duelists...