Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How to know if you are addicted to BLEACH!!!

You Know Your Addicted to Bleach When...
1.You've dyed your air orange
2.You consider an umbrella to be an unreleased Zanpakuto
3....Until you "release" it and scream "Open... Ubrellamaru!"
4.Things are getting worse because you stole two of your mom's 'flower-shaped sequins', dabbed them with gel and placed it on your hair.
5.You cross your arms in front of you and laugh insanely "BWAAHAHAHAHA!"
6.You cover your right arm with a long sock and thrust it forward thinking large amount of energy will shoot out
7.You've really been watching too much when you powder your face until it's pure white and 8.draw a line under your eyes (With a blue marker) and act like Ulquiora.
9.You've named your stuffed animal Kon
10.You take the front half of a skull from biology class and call yourself a Vizard.
11.You eat a piece of candy thinking your soul will come out your body
12.You visit onto Bleach forums and make thousands of random theories
13....And then fight with other members when they don't agree with you
14.You colored a piece of paper black, cut it out in a circle, and taped it to your chest
15....And then glued a broken chain to it
16.You wear hair pins hoping they will help you in a time of need.
17.You wear an eye patch while you white to give your opponent an "advantage".
18.You bust in to class saying "The sprits are always with you!"
19.You've poked the person next to you using a stick and expected a Shinigami to come out of a gigai
20.Your doing something requiring unbelievable amounts of energy and yell "BANKAI!"
21.You just ate red beans with potato chips in in ice cream for lunch
22.You like to say somebody's name like your inspired after they make some kind of declaration
23.You put a piece of candy in a stuffed animal hoping it'll come alive.
24.Guys knitting in school has suddenly become cool.
25.You think it's cool to see "bleach" written on the the laundry isle sign at the store.
26.You jump kick your kid the second he wakes up.
27.You where a black cloak and some sandals and white socks
28.After moments of not talking and being quiet, people start to think you really can't talk
29.You think your cat is actually a hot girl in disguise.
30.You open up a Bleach web site
31....And call it your life's work.
32.You have your little brother throw petals around you after you say "Scatter Senbonzakura"
33.You practicing on your archery skills is referred to as "training".
34.You start adding "-taichou" to the end of your teacher's names.
35.You run around the street wearing a long black robe with sandals
36.Whenever your somebody calls you by your name, you tell them: "That's Captain [insert your name here] to you."
37.You've gone insane when you got into a fight and realized that your enemy is stronger and you mutter: "What strong reiatsu!"
38Whenever your cell phone rings you run outside and look for Hollows
39You realized that carrying a wooden sword around school was not a good idea
40You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Bleach
...And also try to add to this list as well

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